small business saturday
it's almost here...the day we set aside to thank our wonderful customers for their support and to encourage them to shop their local...

happy 4th!
we have limited hours this week for the shop... open wednesday only... and our summer hours:

barn sale
mark your calendars for sunday, june 30th for our next barn sale. we're so excited to offer this to our community. we've been busy...

barn sale
we are anticipating our next event with eagerness and excitement! our barn sale will be held on september 30th from 10-4pm and there...

save the date!
it's time for a celebration as we will be 5 years old in august! we would love for you to help us celebrate august 9-10-11 at inspired in...

year in review
these are a few of my favorite custom projects from 2015. it was a tremendous year of growth, creativity and refinement in my vision for...